I recently posted about my visit to cycling coach, Colin Bark. He performed a very thorough test of my fitness with an aim to helping my preparation for the Etape ride. Well, I am pleased to report that..."the results are in!"
Colin e-mailed me last week to give me the details from my test. They are as follows:
Lactate Threshold = 148 bpm
Zone 1: Recovery: 97-117bpm
Zone 2: Aerobic: 118-132bpm
Zone 3: Tempo: 133-138bpm
Zone 4: Sub-Theshold: 139-147bpm
Zone 5A: Super-threshold: 148-151bpm
Zone 5B: Aerobic capacity: 152-156bpm
Zone 5C: Anaerobic capacity: 157-162bpm
I don't fully understand these yet but the lactate threshold basically indicates where the body changes from aerobic to anaerobic respiration. This is where lactic acid build up becomes a problem. During the Etape ride, I will aim to keep below this line except for short periods (eg small climbs). The data will also allow me to plan my training more successfully. In particular, it will help me during my turbo sessions to ride at the correct tempo.
The results for my test session are shown in this graph:

Apologies that it is not very clear, but you get the general gist of it. The figures on the right show my maximum power to be 360 watts, my average cadence to be 86.9 (definitely not Lance-esque there, could do with being up a bit) and my maximum heart rate was 165 bpm.
Colin is going to help me plan my training program for the month or so leading up to the Etape Caledonia. Hopefully with his help I can maximise the time I have left and make up for the missed training over the last couple of weeks.
Cheers and keep riding,
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